About us

Computer Technologies Ltd


We were using an expensive MSP software package that had many features.

We found that we only used a few of the features, so we decied to write our own software and give it away free.

Terence Blyth

Managing Director

Computer Technologies Ltd

P O Box 584


New Zealand

Phone +64 212205670

Mud micro updating and management.


Mud is software that manages your devices.

It makes sure all updates are installed, that there is enough hard drive space available, and that your system is tuned up so it can run at the best preformance it can.


Mud allows you to view installed software, log files and see what processes are running remotly.


There are many more features, like being able to remotly shut down devices to save power and to make sure firewall and antivirus software is installed and running.


We are updating Mud every month as we see new features that we can add.


If you would like a feature added, then email us.



Terence Blyth